If you are having trouble downloading the information on the previous page, it could be because you are using the latest version of Internet Explorer (version 7), which will block you from viewing sites that contain password prompts or other scripts that make the site run smoothly. If you are using IE7 follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Go to your menu bar and click "tools" and Select "Internet Options"
Step 2: A new box will pop up. Select the "Security" option. Then, click on "Trusted sites" in your list of options under "Security." Once you've done that, click on the "Sites" botton on the right side of the prompt box.
Step 3: Another new box will pop up. Here you can type in the web adress you wish to list as a safe site. Type in our address: "http://www.deincorporate.com" and click the "add" button. Make sure the check box below is unchecked. After that, click "close" then click "ok" on the original box. You should be able to view and download the information now.
If you have further trouble downloading information, please feel free to contact us via the web at: ckrankemann@taxesbyestep.com or call our main office.
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